Tuesday, 29 October 2019

IFWJ Observes its 70th Foundation Day as the ‘Pledge Day’

The 70th Foundation day of the IFWJ was celebrated all over the country by the journalists and other media employees. In Delhi it was observed as the ‘pledge day’ for securing the new Wage Board, Amendment in the Working Journalists Act and also for introducing the special provisions to ensuring the safety and security of the media persons. The Secretary-General Parmanand Pandey informed that the IFWJ has written to Shri Bhartruhari Mahatab, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour opposing the move of the government to abrogate the Working Journalists Act and integrate it with other 11 existing Acts, which have nothing in common with the Working Journalists Act. It may be noted here that the government is planning to repeal the Working Journalists Act and subsuming the other Acts under the ‘Occupational Safety, Health and the Working Conditions Code 2019’.

Although the it has been proposed to include employees of the electronic and web etc in the Code, yet the Working Journalists Act is to be clubbed with the other Acts like Mines Act, Plantation Act etc. which have no common ground with the Working Journalists Act. It defies all logic to put other Acts having no common denominator with a distinct Working Journalists Act.

IFWJ has reminded the government that the Working Journalists Act was passed by Parliament in 1955 after a great deal of efforts by the Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ). Among others who spoke on the occasion to make the IFWJ strong were Rinku Yadav, Treasurer IFWJ, AS Negi President of the DUWJ, C.K. Pandey and Ashok Sharma etc.

The IFWJ has decided to launch and awaken the journalists as well as general public about the need to retain the Working Journalists Act and its comprehensive amendment to help benefit the employees of the print, electronic and other digital media.

Parmanand Pandey
Secy-Gen: IFWJ

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